I'd like to start out the new year by identifying a few Man Blogs that I've really learned to appreciate lately. Ladies, don't get mad at me for not pointing you out. I really believe that you all have it figured out with this blogging thing and it's been an inspiration for me. However, I'm personally motivated by the guys I know (or sort of know) who blog. I have not met most of these folks, but they inspire and speak to me daily--or just make me laugh. Here they are in no particular order (i.e. I'm not playing favorites):
A. Uvalapie - Ok, I've actually met this one. An old friend.
2. Honey, I Fed the Kids - Husband and daddy of 4 girls. Great writer.
iii. Java Jesus - A theology blog headed up by one of my old youth group students.
d. Mr. E - Seems to be a genuine, humble man with a heart for God.
V. Tappity Tappity - Have not met him, but we talked online while playing Halo 3.
SIX. Reflections In Life - Randy seems like a guy that has been through a lot and has so much to share with people who are willing to listen. He's also a Reds fan, which is cool.
If I missed you, I'm sorry. In fact, let me know and I'll create a follow-up post.
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
Mr. Shumway,
Thanks for the mention. I'm humbled by that! Plus, your a "Reds" fan, that's a bonus! Thanks for the nice words!
You callin' my man old?
Well, he's no older than me...but he's gray!!! (and I'm losing my hair)
Shhhh.... don't tell the world that I'm gray. Or that I wear a toupee and false teeth.
Well, he's not gray anymore. It's a-a-a-a miracle! Yeah! A miracle!
I'm not a dude - sorry I know but the photo kind of gives it aways so it's not really a shock but I love your blog. Funny and insiteful.
I'm off to check the other dude bloggers:)
Oh and can you send that Randy dude over to clean my house. He admitted to being a clean freak and I'm in need of one ;-)
Man Blogs. One step above Lemur Blogs in the Great Blogging Heirarchy.
I'm not sure if I should be insulted or inspired that I'm referred to as "one of my old youth group students."
Wait a minute, you called ME old too!
Solid! Thanks for the plug, RoboGuy. I need all the hits I can manage.
Also, do you have your sights set on Burnout Paradise for the 360? I played the demo and almost soiled myself it was so much fun.
Must. Buy.
You only "almost" soiled yourself, eh. I always like to take things one step further. I think we're getting a new chair.
(sorry, everyone--that was gross and "below the belt"--sorry again)
Thanks for the plug! Read your comment on my most recent blog. I taught in the public schools for 11 years. I started Adult Basic Education for a local community college in August 07. Many parents in the school district I was at were dissapointed but they understood my decision. Now I teach adults who for some reason or another did not get their High School Diploma to get a GED and I also teach post High School adults who need some basic skills reviews before taking college classes or college entry exams. I enjoy my new job but I still miss being an influence on the younger generation as well.
I am so proud you mentioned my hubby!!! I like seeing men out there bold enough to share their life with the universe, not afraid to be real men, men with a heart for Jesus. Keep it up....keep encouraging these men...my hats off to you all!! --Jamie/penguinsandladybugs/Mrs. E (oh and incidentally, I kinda like your Missus and her blog and her encouragement--so cool that we can connect through cyberspace)
Thanks for the list, I will have to pass it on to my dh as he loves to read through my blog reader and catch up on all the mommy blogs:)
I WAS expecting a quarter-page ad, but what you did will do fine I suppose. I'll have Phyllis in marketing contact you to get payment details. You'll take chicken, yes?
And I must add, I have no gray hair.
Or brown. Or black. Or Red. Or blond.
And ANOTHER thing,
I totally dig how you listed A, 2, iii, d, V, six
I do the same thing sometimes at church things, and NO ONE ever notices. I hate to waste my genius. Just wanted you to know yours wasn't wasted...completely.
Thanks, Scott. There are certain folks like us who just walk to the tune of a different Pez dispenser.
I'm glad you included Randy's "Reflections in Life." Randy is a friend and former colleague of mine, and I really think his blog is top-notch!
Just adding comments to see if you can get up to twenty on this one.
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