This has been a recurring theme with me lately. In church the other day we were reminded of Psalm 46:10 - "Be still, and know that I am God." It's a simple passage (even in the context of the entire Psalm) about trusting in God. He created everything in the first place and He is still in control. Praying is communication with God, but it's also trusting in the fact that He will do things in His time. It came up again when we decided to start through a book and DVD series by Philip Yancey on the subject of prayer (he's one of my favorite authors, by the way). And then, this morning I pulled up behind gold SUV with the simple message painted in big bold letters on the back of his vehicle...
How cool is that? Was God reminding little old me that I should trust in Him even when I don't understand everything that goes on in this world? I think so. Then, the "Pray" truck--which was some sort of official truck for the Indiana National Day of Prayer--took off like a bat out of hell on the interstate. He haphazardly plowed across six lanes to get in the "speed lane" and was off to the races--right on the bumper of the car ahead of him. Suddenly, the interpretation of the "Pray" message took on multiple meanings or, perhaps, a more specific meaning. "Pray" for anyone that encounters this gold SUV on the road. "Pray" that he doesn't cut you off the road into the median or a ditch. "Pray" that he doesn't drive right through your rear window.
You should always drive safe, but imagine the message you send when your car is plastered with the word, "Pray" and the web address for the Indiana National Day of Prayer.
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
What a great post, BD!
I still have fond memories of the guy who cussed me out and flipped me off as he pulled out in front of me... only to reveal a WWJD bumper sticker on his tail.
That's awesome. I've seen similar things, and in fact I tend to really notice these things like bumper sticker messages vs driving styles.
I drive like the proverbial little old lady anyway, so at least my driving doesn't contradict my Christian bumper stickers.
I think this is why I'm a bit afraid to put any Christian marking on my car (that and my hubby is NOT into bumper stickers etc)...what if I let God down in some way?
Thanks for the reminder to pray. It's that whole be "still thing" I have trouble with...That and and "the gentle and quiet spirit" ...but that's something for another time...
There's a bumper sticker on a truck I see at work all the time. It makes me laugh, but I probably can't write what it says on your Super Happy Family-Friendly Blog.
Or I can just put asterisks in place, and you can delete it if you don't like it.
"Jesus Loves You. But everyone else thinks you're an a**h***."
I suppose if I put on the "I'm a hell-bound bad person and a poor role model" bumper sticker, it would demonstrate greater consistency with my driving than the family of swimming ichtuses (ichthi?).
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st scott comment:
Air Horn?
2nd scott comment:
ichthuseseses...I think.
Well, as usual, you've made me laugh. :-)
He's sending out a pathetic message....
couldn't agree more. like shay I'm scared to put any stickers on my car in case I screw up. I guess that guy really did do his job though, giving people a reason to pray...for him!
Shay, and Hunny Bee, you have a soul sister in me. I live in So Cal, and though I try and try, the carnal Christian in me comes out every time I get in the car. *sigh*
Though the "Pray" truck is a good idea, I don't know how good an idea it is to have a driver from So Cal driving it, and it appears they did.
Oh, oh, oh! Sorry, I forgot one thing. That is my favorite Bible verse, "Be still and know that I am God." It's my favorite, not because I'm good at it, but because it speaks to my frenetic mind...and shows God's patience. He could have said, "KNOCK IT OFF, AND LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER!!!!" I love Him for being the perfect parent.
Mr. Shumway,
Just another take on the pray deal. I wonder if the person driving the vehicle was the "actual" owner of the vehicle or if it was borrowed from someone who did drive carefully with the words "pray" on the SUV?
I never thought of it this way. It reminds me of an old expression that I like to use, "Drive it like you stole it." That would make the whole incident seem more interesting.
Mr. Shumway,
"Drive it like you stole it!" That is very good. Something else that always amazed me.
I see signs that say "For sale by owner." Now, think about it. Would you have a sign that said,
"For sale by thief?" I wonder!
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