I've been finishing up baseball season with my son's team that I coach along with the husband of Toni in the Midst. We had one heck of a year. When we got our team together at the beginning of the season, I saw what the other clubs had and figured we were about the second or third best team in the league.
We played our first game back in May and things were looking good--which was nice since the team I coached last year had a rough season. I remember being just a couple of innings into that first game where we were hitting the ball really well and winning. My son looked up at me and said, "Dad, this year we've got a TEAM." I have to admit that I was feeling the same way. Then we had to switch pitchers because I guess it's wrong to ruin a kid's arm just so you can win a few baseball games--go figure!. The bottom dropped out as I didn't seem to have anyone else that could throw strikes outside of practice. We gave up 9 or 10 runs in one inning. Ouch. I will not bore you all with the details, but suffice it to say we managed to eek out one win all year in the regular season.
We started the double elimination tournament with a loss which meant our backs were against the wall--win or go home. Finally, the team came together and we ended the seasons of two other clubs before finally getting knocked out and ending up in...third place.
Normally, I'd have something funny or witty to say, but that's all I've got. Maybe now I'll have more time for the important things in life like blogging, facebook and watching tv. Wish me luck.
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
I see that you are another one of those people with their priorities all screwed up, what with coaching your son's baseball team and stuff. I bet you use that old saw, quality family time, as an excuse for not blogging. Sheesh. Some people. ;)
Welcome back!
Congratulations on a good season!
You are good man (for a big doofus!)
I followed you from Arby's blog.
And I will just comment on baseball. I was on a church softball team about 2 decades ago and we always lost. ALWAYS. In fact we were so bad that at one of the games when I was up to bat I asked the pitcher to be nice to me because I hadn't gotten to first base all season. He was very nice. Came up close and had me hold up the bat and he aimed at my bat. How pathetic was that? (This would have been a few years after the picture I recently put on my blog - if you bother to look). Anyway we came to the last game of the season. When we all had gathered we asked the other team how many games that they had won. "None" they said, "how about you?" We said "none." There was silence and then a cheer. When a bystander asked what we were cheering for we said it meant that one of us was going to win!
It wasn't us.
I think I just blogged on your blog. Excuse me :)
How great that you spend time with your son like that and invest in the lives of those precious kids.
Sorry about the season, but I bet you'll have stories to tell. :)
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