Have you noticed that people today just don't seem to care whether or not they spell proper nouns correctly--e.g. names, cities, streets, etc? However, you'd think that details like this would be important in some areas of retail. Let's say your company makes something that is then delivered directly to someone's home. If there's ONE THING you'd want to get right, it's the address--the numbers and the letters. Otherwise, you're not going to get there--even with the greatest GPS system on the market.
I was reminded of this today when one of my best pals handed me a receipt from a delivery made to his house. It took the delivery person quite a while to get there as he didn't know that my friend lived on AUTUMN Harvest Dr. and not what was written on the receipt (and in the words of Dave Berry, "I'm not making this up.")...
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
Bottom Harvest: when subdivison planners get honest about the type of land they're building those McMansions on.
Lots still available!
I heard the bottom harvest was good this year.
Bottom harvest? Sounds like rump roast to me.
Great, now I'm supposed to figure out who l'il doofus is?
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