Today's top NFL football players are complete athletes who takes their profession seriously: twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks out of the year. They exercise year-round and take care of their bodies or risk losing their job to someone in better shape. That's just what is expected of them today.
But back in the day, NFL players were a different breed. A classic example was Chuck Bednarik. While Bednarik was known for his prowess on defense, he was one of the last to play on both sides of the field. I was watching a special on him recently and for just a few seconds they flashed the following picture of him on the screen...
Now here's a guy who takes something seriously. And that something is SMOKING. Sure, any lightweight can smoke one cigarette or one cigar. But it takes a real man, a multi-purpose athlete like Chuck Bednarik to smoke them both at the same time--while in his NFL uniform.
friEND Update
4 days ago
When did Mel Gibson travel back in time to play football before returning to kill his career with a drunken, anti-Semitic tirade delivered to a cop named "Officer Sugar T*%s?" The resemblance is eerie.
Just saw your "Viva la Easter!" comment and had to tell you I couldn't stop laughing!
If you're going to do something, go at it 100%!
So he's right up there with Babe Ruth, huh?
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