Wednesday, June 24, 2009

FAILing Representatives

Argue all you want about politicians with hidden agendas, but MY state Reps are looking out for people...

I had no idea that it was inappropriate for adult males to spray tan nude minors. Sheesh. I submitted this to the folks at FAILblog a while back but it didn't get enough votes to make it to their main page. Who needs 'em! It's a genuine screen shot from the Indianapolis Star a few months ago.

On another note, here's what happens when your rarely viewed blog gets a nice link from Cake Wrecks...
Finally, since there may be people sticking around to see what this site is all about (mostly nothing), you might want to check out this old post: Manly Blogging Award.


Unknown said...

Great. Just great. Now I suppose I have to go back to the bank and withdraw the business plan I submitted last week for a start-up loan. Can I at least spray-tan the adults?

Steve Martin said...

Indiana is a piker compared to California when it comes to FAILing idiocies.

But hang in there...I think you gys are on the right track!