This weekend I was trying to reason with my 12-year-old daughter about how her emotions were getting the best of her. She was able to tell me that there was no real reason for the struggle she was having so I told her that all she had to do was tell herself the truth and rise above it.
[ATTENTION MEN: At this point, all of the ladies who read this blog are already laughing.]
She responded by saying, "Well, Daddy, you don't understand because...
________ ________ ________ ________ ________."
Fill in the blanks by leaving me a comment if you think you know the answer (or just want to make up something silly.).
friEND Update
4 days ago
Your first mistake was linking "reason" with "12-year-old girl." You really shouldn't use those words together in the same sentence. It's an oxymoron.
Because "you've never been a girl."
To which i dare you to respond: "Well, funny you should mention that...there's something -i've never told you..."
I don't have a guess, but I think you should be thankful you got out of the room without injury!
Serious Answer:
you are not a girl.
Hoffman Answer:
The aardvark ate your pants.
Well, daddy, you don't understand because, "emotions are like water, you need them everyday!"
However, Scott's comment was funny!
"There's something I haven't told you" had me in stitches!
GO REDS! (Okay, that was off your subject matter, but who says we can't advertise? haha)
My daughter is 12 years old as well. She is starting to think, "beyond my reasoning!" I just love her anyway.
Two people guessed it right on! And I'll give you's not about aardvarks, even though she's a big fan. :-)
"You are not a girl."
LOL- Arby has it right!
"you were never twelve."
(Yes that's only four words. So sue me.)
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