For many people, today is known as "Cinco de Mayo"--a Mexican holiday which, when translated to English, means "drink as many Coronas and/or maragaritas as you can during your lunch break."
But I wanted to take the time to wish you all a Happy Falker Satherhood. Falker Satherhood was celebrated in the tiny Eastern European country of Belgrid to commemorate the beginning of spring and the annual "Dancing Ritual of the Goats." If you've never experienced the joys of goat dancing and Falker Satherhood, you don't know what you're missing. Obviously, you're an uncultured buffoon!
But seriously folks, Falker Satherhood is NOT a holiday--as far as we know. However, there's a small bakery somewhere in these United States that either thinks it's a holiday or decided to make one up (they're probably in cahoots with the greeting card industry looking for a new day to sell overpriced cards). To get the real story on Falker Satherhood, be sure to pop over to Cake Wrecks.
And Happy Falker Satherhood to you and yours!
friEND Update
3 days ago
Thank you for making me laugh!
Thank you for...
A) Reading my blog and making a comment.
B) Being the ONLY one besides me to think that this was funny.
Just read this over on Cake Wrecks and thought I'd pop on over. I thought it was hilarious. And your blog is a crack up.
Raised by wolves.....:o)
ps...I love Fletch, too, and even have that listed in my favs, after which it says in parenthases, I don't know why, it must be a sickness. Near as I can tell, we're the only Fletch lovers.
aw, now. I just came from cake wrecks and I laughed my fanny off.
Happy Falker Satherhood!
:hee hee:
You misspelled cinco.
You just got a Father's Day linkback from CakeWrecks! Prepare for the flood!
I thought it was funny too...
For once, Anon delivers.
Believe it or not Happy Falker Satherhood was a cake made for me and my office mate. We both had babies around the same day and our office went to Ralphs on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. When Shawn and I saw the cake, needless to say we both looked at each other and said "Falkersatherhood?!" We all lost our minds laughing and if you google falkder satherhood you will find my co-worker going to Ralphs asking to speak to who did this.
Tell you what I never thought Falkersatherhood had taken a life of its own.
Have a great weekend,
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