Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Isn't This Stuff Dangerous?

I don't usually get too political on my blog, but someone pointed me towards this little news gem today...

Iraqi Uranium Transferred to Canada

This was the part that I found to be of greatest interest...

The yellow cake was discovered by US troops after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Facility south of Baghdad, and was placed under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Yellowcake is a form of processed uranium ore that can be used to make fuel for nuclear reactors, or if further enriched as fuel for nuclear weapons.

So, the US troops found at least 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium during the Iraqi invasion...but we've all been told by the press that there were no weapons of mass destruction...yet. Looks like we beat them to the punch.


Unknown said...

Ooohh! I want to put this on my blog. Do you mind?

Mr. E said...

According to several high ranking Iraqi officials who served under Sadaam Hussein, there was WMD's in Iraq up to 2 months before the invasion took place. They were shipped out of Iraq into Syria before the invasion happened.

On a lighter note: Congratulations to Edison Volquez, former Ranger, on being selected to the NL MLB All-Star Team.

Uvulapie said...

That's it. I'm quitting your blog and your constant barrage of political posts.

JAM said...

I've given up on the media giving us the whole story. You have to look at a lot of sources to put the whole news picture together.

I read about this but didn't know they moved this stuff to Canada.

Rebekah said...

You can only listen to half of what the news says- then only believe half of that