I'm not a Lutheran, but I play one on TV. Ok, that's not true.I'm not a Lutheran, but I stand with The Elephant's Child, my sister in Christ who is standing up against the color mauve in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Graciously (and because I begged) she has allowed me to be an honorary member of The Anti-Mauve Movement Blogroll. So, I will spread the cause beyond Lutheranism to evangelical churches everywhere and my Roman Catholic friends like skypigeon.
Now that I think about it, the first church that I attended had awful mauve carpet on the stage and pews. They have since changed quite a bit with regards to their philosophy of ministry--to the point where I would no longer be comfortable there. My current church had mauve chairs but they were all consumed when the building burned to the ground in early 2002. Was it a sign? To my knowledge, we no longer have any mauve in the building which makes us a beacon of hope to other churches in the community.
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
Doofus is a goofus!
Thank you!
I'm sure the mauve chairs were a factor in the fire. That, or you guys didn't have them set up correctly.
Pow! Sizzle! ZAP!
(More seriously, the church website is very classy - good job.)
So what color is appropriate for the devout believer on Christ?
Well....if you don't KNOW, then...well...uh....
Wait a minute, I went to a church with mauve decorations in Kentucky... I choose mauve over orange any day.
We gots another one!
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