Have you ever noticed that when you get into a conversation about Saturday Night Live you almost always hear someone claim that the show just isn't as good as it used to be? This doesn't matter if you're talking to an "old school" fan who fondly remembers John Belushi as a cast member; a fan who recalls the "glory days" as the time when Eddie Murphy was a Not Ready For Prime Time Player; or even a relative youngster who equates the greatness of SNL with Will Ferrell.
The show goes through phases, but it always manages to produce SOMETHING that's funny. Take this newer fake commercial for Taco Town:
Winter Book Thingy 2025
3 days ago
I was right there with them until the blueberry pancake.
Then they lost me.
Well, all the political impersonations have been spot on and very funny...esp Tina Fey. I've enjoyed SNL lately and thought they've come up with some funny stuff. Did you know you can watch clips at hulu.com?
p.s. Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm of the age that Dana Carvey and Phil Hartman are "old school." How I miss Toonces the Driving Cat.
For the past season, we've been putting SNL on the DVR, and there are usually at least a couple funny skits in there. The commercials and the digital shorts amuse me. Sometimes it depends on who is hosting. Although the political stuff this year has actually kind of annoyed me.
BD, I hadn't seen this...we must not be communicating like we should lately! All I know is that William would probably be all over this thing! Did you show it to him?
whats so funny? I think it sounds awesome!! ;-)
People just say that because they don't want to admit that they are too old to stay up and watch anymore. Like me.
I know I'm a flake when it comes to posting on my blog these days, but at least you don't post very often either! Too busy on Facebook?
I remember how I would stay up on Saturday because I knew my youth group was going to be doing the church lady or Hans & Franz....I wanted to keep up! We go through spurts at our house DVRing it and watching for the good stuff. The fake commercials are lots of fun, though!
Oh, very funny. Makes me want to post the bakery bit now! Lazy Sunday!
That is stinkin' hilarious! Almost as good as "Jesus is my friend" ... "zam!" Ha! Too much fun!!!!
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